LLMs in Lingustic Research 2024/25
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Week 09 - finetuning machine translation
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Week 01 - Intro
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Week 02 - NN basics
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Week 03 - NN basics II
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Week 04 - Transformers (part 1)
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Week 05 - Transformers (part 2)
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Week 06 - Hands-on with Transformers (part 1)
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Week 07 - GPT-2 implementation
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Week 08 - finetuning text classification
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Week 09 - finetuning machine translation
👨🏫 Lecture Material
Week 10 - morphological inflection using T5
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Week 11 - morphological inflection with T5 using CHILDES
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Week 13 - Other finetuning methods
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Week 14 - Probing
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🧩 Homework
Hw 01 - Colab
Hw 02 - NN basics
Hw 03 - Intro to transformers
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🗓️ Class material
Week 09 - finetuning machine translation
🗓️ Week 09 - Finetuning t5 model for machine translation
Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao
👨🏫 Lecture
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✍️ Homework
Week 08 - finetuning text classification
Week 10 - morphological inflection using T5